The hotel industry is changing sustainably

An Experts project by Motel One and Zollikofer

Pfleiderer in conversation with Verena Ferner and Stefan Zollikofer

Pfleiderer: Ms. Ferner, you are Manager for CR and Sustainability at Motel One. Can you give us an insight into the importance of this topic in your company?

Verena Ferner: For Motel One, responsible corporate behavior is one of the pillars of our self-image and is firmly anchored in our corporate vision. As part of our program “One Planet. One Future.” program, we have committed ourselves to supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the best possible way and making our contribution to achieving them. 

Pfleiderer: What does this mean in concrete terms, how does Motel One reconcile sustainability with its business?

Verena Ferner: Put simply: wherever possible! In the Motel One Group, 18 colleagues are responsible for sustainability issues in their respective departments. We continuously analyze all Motel One processes critically with regard to their relevance for sustainability. On this basis, we develop and implement specific measures. This starts with decisions such as the use of green electricity and the selection of organic and fair trade products at the breakfast buffet, but also includes topics such as the avoidance of microplastics in cosmetics in the guest rooms. And it extends to common, internationally recognized certification standards such as BREEAM, DGNB and LEED® for our buildings or OEKO-TEX® and cradle-to-cradle certified products for the room furnishings. 

Pfleiderer: With the redesign of the Motel One Munich-German Museum, Motel One has gone one step further in terms of sustainability. What exactly characterizes this project?

Verena Ferner: When redesigning the Motel One Munich-Deutsches Museum, our aim was to make the most of the opportunities offered by the circular economy. It started as a pilot project in which we want to recycle as many of the materials that are renewed or replaced during the redesign as possible. We are already trying to extend the usage cycles of the interior fittings as long as possible through timeless design and high quality. But at the end of the cycle there is always a redesign. The possibility of giving discarded furniture and interior fittings a further life cycle is therefore an important part of sustainable thinking for us. 

Pfleiderer: Mr Zollikofer, you run a company that specializes in processing, recycling, storing and transporting biomass from the wood-based materials industry. What role did you play in the redesign of the Motel One in Munich?

Stefan Zollikofer: We offer a comprehensive range of products and services for wood logistics and wood processing, i.e. we are a supplier and disposal partner in one. For post-consumer material - i.e. wood that has already been used as part of furniture or interior fittings, for example - our focus is on material recycling. This means that we have processing technology that allows a high proportion of the furniture and interior fittings from the Motel One in Munich to be turned back into chips and ultimately into new wood-based materials, for example by Pfleiderer.

Pfleiderer: And Pfleiderer is also involved in the realization of this cooperation, right?

Stefan Zollikofer: Yes! As a supplier of raw materials for the production of engineered wood, Pfleiderer is one of our most important customers. A Pfleiderer architectural consultant mentioned this connection in a conversation with the Motel One Group when discussing the topic of the circular economy. 

Verena Ferner: It quickly became clear to us that in Zollikofer we had a partner with whose support we could break up the linear material flows that are still common in the construction industry in many cases. However, genuine recycling means exactly what Zollikofer makes possible: material recycling of material that remains in the cycle for longer. For FF+E, as we call Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment, i.e. the entire interior design in the hotel, this is a decisive step on the way to even more sustainability. And together with Zollikofer, we have already achieved a great deal with wood-based materials. At the same time, we are carrying out similar pilot projects for carpets and fittings in order to explore the possibilities here too - and to put our claim into practice more and more effectively. 

Pfleiderer: Who is the driving force behind these efforts? Or to put it more concretely: do you find that your customers also value the circular economy?

Verena Ferner: Motel One has been pursuing the topic of sustainability on its own initiative for many years. We have already received an increasing number of inquiries from corporate customers requesting Motel One's sustainability factors for their own sustainability audits. But circularity doesn't really play a role here yet. The focus is more on operational measures or climate protection. But it is clear to us that we need to look at the integration of the circular economy and the certification of buildings, for example. On the one hand, to meet the regulatory requirements of tomorrow. And secondly, to help shape the development of the industry and extend our lead as a sustainability champion.

Pfleiderer: Can you please describe how the collaboration between Zollikofer and Motel One went in detail?

Stefan Zollikofer: As we usually deal with the wood-based materials industry and waste disposal companies, we were naturally curious to see how the collaboration with Motel One would go. To begin with, we carried out a visual inspection on site. This allowed us to assess the material qualities and quantities we were dealing with. We then worked with Motel One and the contractor to determine which elements were suitable for reprocessing. We then collected the material regularly by container - just as we do for all other customers.

Verena Ferner: We commissioned the same company to carry out the fit-out that subsequently carried out the interior work again. This means that the employees on site knew their way around. This was an advantage both for the collaboration with Zollikofer and for us. The redesign was carried out floor by floor during ongoing operations. The disruption to guests had to be kept to a minimum. We had a planning lead time of six months and the renovation took place between 18.12.2023 and 29.04.2024. Looking back, we all agree that the project was a complete success!

Pfleiderer: Is it possible for you to draw an ecological balance?

Stefan Zollikofer: We accepted 120 tons of material that would otherwise most likely have been incinerated. Classification: The Waste Wood Ordinance applies in Germany. It regulates which classes of waste wood may be recycled. This clearly regulates which recycled wood can be used for material recycling. This means that Motel One's approach is exactly the right one. Breaking up linear chains, thinking in terms of the circular economy and thus increasing the rate. Ideally, the material we process is then taken over by customers such as Pfleiderer, who use intelligent processes to clean it further and remove impurities - and thus reintroduce wood-based materials of the highest quality into the cycle. 

Pfleiderer: Ms. Ferner, Mr. Zollikofer, thank you for the interview!


„In order to establish a circular economy, suppliers and customers must work closely together, look for new solutions together and in some places swap roles to give products a second life cycle.“

Verena Ferner

Group CR & Sustainability Manager 

„The circular economy with all its facets is our strength, and we cover the entire chain.“

Stefan Zollikofer

Managing Director

The facts about the project

Project: Hotel Motel One Munich – Deutsches Museum
Building owner:Motel One GmbH, Munich
Recycling-Partner:Zollikofer GmbH & Co. KG, Bad Wurzach
Planning:6/2023 – 12/2023
Implementation:12/2023 – 4/2024



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