

Easier on resources


More constructive


Our solutions for various applications in timber construction

Discover our component solutions for the various applications in timber construction. Move your mouse over the house to reveal the respective components for the areas of roof, ceiling and interior wall as well as exterior wall and façade. Click on the elements to get more information.

Discover our range for timber construction

Whether load-bearing, moisture resistant or with high bending strength, Pfleiderer supplies the appropriate, sustainable wood-based materials for most requirements in the area of timber construction, from particle board with outstanding isotropic properties and vapour-permeable MDF board to tongue-and-groove floor panels that can be used along any direction. Everything is designed with efficient installation in mind, featuring uncompromisingly good quality and available in PEFC or FSC-certified versions.

Our partners

You have the idea - a well-coordinated team takes care of the implementation!

In the field of timber construction, Pfleiderer has long-standing partnerships with specialists. Together with our partners, we support you in the development of individual solutions!


Our services support you in your product selection for timber construction

We not only focus on the quality of our products, but also place emphasis on the word SERVICE. To support you in the best possible way, we offer a range of tools to help you select the right structural timber engineered product for your project.

You can find more components with Pfleiderer wood materials here

Simply consult our Construction Guide to quickly find the DIN standard construction element you need for your next project. Now that's what we call a constructive solution!
Discover the Construction Guide

Discover our raw boards for every area of application

Use the filter function of the Product Finder to choose raw boards depending on their area of use, certificates and material properties.
Try our product finder

Simply download the appropriate data sets

The relevant product information is available for you to download from the Pfleiderer BIM databases.
To the BIM data

Your advantages with Pfleiderer products in timber construction

Our engineered wood-based materials for timber construction promote a healthy living climate and contribute to climate protection by actively binding CO2. At the same time, their high quality and diverse certifications ensure that future-oriented concepts can be reliably implemented in residential and commercial construction.

Build on constructive solutions with our range

A building’s merits largely depend on the quality of the building materials used. The same also applies to timber construction. Needless to say, Pfleiderer wood-based materials meet all the required standards and approvals – and are often the better structural choice compared to standard OSB. Thanks to 33 % lower thickness swelling, for example, 80 % higher bending strength perpendicular to production direction, and 5 % higher airborne sound insulation.

More about the properties of Pfleiderer’s wood-based materials

Our partners can also depend on us when it comes to working with the products: it is possible to work on our materials using conventional woodworking tools. Our boards have the same mechanical properties irrespective of the direction of use. And the most important board categories (P5) are also available as floor panels with symmetrical tongue and grove profile to enable fast working.

More about construction with Pfleiderer’s wood-based materials

Creating more healthy living concepts with timber construction

Anyone who thinks of building with wood rightly expects an environmentally friendly and appropriate material even after it has been processed. At Pfleiderer, this begins with the selection of the raw materials: for recycled wood – from which up to 85 % of our products are made – we only use grades A I and A II, which are incorporated into our production processes as pre- and post-consumer material. For by-products from sawmills, we rely almost solely on sustainably grown spruce wood with low VOC emissions. And even our bonding agents are becoming ever greener: LivingBoard, for example, has been bonded using 100 % formaldehyde-free glue for over 40 years. This is how we make sure that our products meet the highest standards for healthy living.

Conserving resources with timber construction

A growing number of construction projects focus on sustainability nowadays. Pfleiderer woodbased materials can play an important role here. In order to make sure that the production process is as climate-friendly as possible, Pfleiderer is fully committed to cascading and using a high percentage of recycled wood. This ensures that the wood is kept within the cycle for as long as possible and the CO₂ stored in the wood is bound over a long time and actively helps to protect theclimate. The result is a uniquely sustainable product portfolio that meets environmental and structural requirements to the greatest possible extent.

More about sustainability at Pfleiderer

Pfleiderer timber construction - certified sustainable

Frequently asked questions about structural timber engineering

What is timber construction?

Timber construction is a field in the building industry in which wood is used as a building material. A distinction is made between timber construction by carpenters and timber engineering. There are also a number of timber construction methods (also called timber construction systems) such as timber panel construction or timber frame construction. Either solid wood or wood-based materials are used for the various timber construction methods.

Which timber construction methods are there?

In timber construction, there is the solid construction method and the skeleton construction method (lightweight construction). The skeleton construction method is further differentiated into:

  • Timber frame construction
  • Timber panel construction
  • Timber post and beam construction

What are the advantages of timber construction systems?

Building with wood has the advantage that wood stores carbon and wooden building systems therefore have a neutral CO2 balance. Moreover, it is a renewable building material that can be sourced locally and recycled. In terms of sustainable building, timber construction is an important instrument in the fight against the climate crisis. Wooden buildings also score points for their pleasant indoor climate.

More information on timber construction at Pfleiderer

According to the motto "Make your vision work", you will find all the information you need about timber construction at Pfleiderer. Discover our component solutions for interior walls, ceilings, roofs, façades and exterior walls. Furthermore get detailed information on construction and processing, building physics, quality and characteristic values.

 View brochure on timber construction

Let us advise you on our timber construction range


Are you interested in our products in the field of timber construction?

Then feel free to contact us! We are here for you.

Product enquiries and sales.

+49 (0) 9181 28-480



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