Media Gallery

In the Pfleiderer Media Gallery you will find product, application and decor images from our collections and much more.

To our media gallery


Here we have compiled all our brochures for you. Whether product or information brochure, you will certainly find what you are looking for.

To our brochures


Here you can find all our collection material.

Explore our collections

Product Information

Transparency is extremely important to us, that's why we make all product-relevant information available to you here.

Get to the bottom of our products in our product information

Declarations of Performance

In this section you will find the declarations of performance for our products.

To our declarations of performance

Declarations of conformity


In this section you will find the declarations of conformity for our products.

To our declarations of conformity

Management Certificates

All management certificates we have received can be found here.

To our management certificates

Planning data for Pfleiderer WoodPro

To the download page

BIM Data

Building is becoming more and more digital - and the integration of Pfleiderer wood-based materials is now even easier, with BIM data on many of our Pfleiderer products in various material thicknesses as individual data sets.

To our BIM data