Trend Off-white

U11036 Alpine White & U16065 Swan

With a colour content of two percent each, these two neutral colour shades perfectly emphasise the respective nuances of the combination decors. Alpine White features yellow-green nuances and looks fresh and natural. The light cream shade Swan is based on a pure orange. It perfectly picks up the tones of pale woods. 

Alpine White has the NCS Code 0502-G50Y, Swan 0502-Y50R.

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Shades of greige

U12081 Whisper & U12074 Mud

Two percent of pure red give this soft mauve shade warmth. U12044 Dolphin Grey is therefore perfect for toning down Whisper. The dark greige called Mud is based on pure yellow and is also only minimally tinted with a colour content of only two percent.

The colour tone Whisper matches NCS Code 1502-R, Mud NCS 5502-Y.

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Taupe shades in blue and green

Sand and earth shades

U15009 Desert & U15010 Dijon

The muted, reddish yellow tones Desert and Dijon embody a new generation of friendly, cosy sand shades. The colour tone Desert matches NCS Code 1030-Y10R; the clearly darker and a little less chromatic Dijon NCS 3020-Y10R.

U15008 Caramel

Due to an equal content of black and colour, this muted shade of orange looks well-balanced and rich. Adds a subtle splash of colour to dark woods and materials in shades of grey. The colour tone Caramel matches NCS Code 3030-Y20R.

U15011 Torrone

With only twenty percent, the reddish, dark yellow shade Torrone has a low chromatic content and therefore looks calm and balancing. The colour tone matches NCS Code 6020-Y10R.

Chalky shades of yellow

U15006 Joy

Due to a ten percent black content and an accordingly high white content, this pure shade of yellow Joy looks a little chalky, less intense and therefore unobtrusive. The colour tone matches NCS Code 1040-Y.

Trend Tanned and Terracotta

U16067 Inka & U16068 Hazel

Inca and Hazel are muted, warm shades of orange that go as well with pale as they do with dark woods. The lighter colour shade Inca matches NCS Code 3020-Y30R; Hazel has a slightly higher red content and is a little darker; the respective NCS Code is 4030-Y40R.

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Trend Burned Orange

Trend powder

U15007 Blossom

The fine powdery shade Blossom is the result of a pastel orange with an accordingly low, well-balanced content of black and colour. It goes perfectly with woods and materials in warm shades of grey. The colour tone matches NCS Code 1010-Y70R.

Trend blush

U16066 Amy & U17040 Blush

Minimally darker than U15007 Blossom, Amy is also a light powder shade that goes well above all with darker woods and stones. Blush is more intense and considerably redder, verging towards the brick shade spectrum. The colour shade Amy matches NCS Code 1510-Y70R; Blossom equals NCS 3020-Y80R.

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Deep sea colours

U18042 Blue shadow, U18043 Poseidon

The ten percent red content adds a positive warmth to these two shades of blue on home furniture and interior design elements. Both colours have an equal colour content, but are different with regard to their lightness. The colour tone Blue Shadow matches NCS Code 5010-R90B, Poseidon NCS 7010-R90B.

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Deep forest

U19024 Reed green, U19027 Herb

The yellow content as well as a high content of grey give the taupe shade Reed a natural character. The colour tone matches NCS Code 5005-G20Y. Herb, on the other hand, is based on a pure green, although only two percent of this; the overriding impression is therefore of a grey tone. It is based on the NCS tone 6502-G.

U19028 Racing green

The relatively high blue content of this dark green shade makes it cool and almost unapproachable. The logical consequence is that it is often associated with sophisticated technical products. However, a combination with pale woods and materials looks attractive in the home area. Racing Green has the NCS colour tone 7020-B70G.

U19522 Pine

Considerably more yellow than green gives this friendly natural shade warmth; grey outweighs the colour content. Pine is therefore pleasantly unobtrusive and can be combined with all warm wood shades to great effect. The colour tone matches NCS Code 6010-G70Y.

Trend thunder

U12080 Thunder, U18044 Smoke

Two percent of pure blue refines the two cool, colour-coordinated shades of grey. Thunder, NCS 3502-B, can be found in the upper third of the grey scale; Smoke, which has the NCS Code 5502-B, lies in the mid-lightness area. Both colours need warm combination decors to offset their aloofness.

U12083 Alabaster, U12082 Greyhound

The pure shades of grey provide the perfect frame for chromatic colours, warm woods and materials. Without an inherent colour content, they adapt perfectly. Alabaster matches NCS Code 1000-N; Greyhound matches NCS 5000-N and is clearly darker.

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